Social Sound House Taipei

➤Liquid Architecture:Social Sound House Taipei Workshop
Liquid Architecture 與 響相工作室 共同合作舉辦
Presented in partnership with Soundwatch Studio.

Photographer:Vivy Hsieh

Place:Sono Lab (4F, No. 16, Lane 10, Xingcheng St, Datong District, Taipei City 103, Taiwan)
Workshop name:Reading Reverse Reverb
Playing with the sounds of the future before they take place.
In a futuring practice, memory and anticipation work side by side. As we engage with the forces of change – political, social, industrial, private or public – the challenge is to politicise our imaginings as we remember and connect with our different pasts. It is in the process of backcasting that we design from the (desired) future scenario to the present day, determining how we measure whether we are heading towards this particular future. For many of us, 30 years is just about the imaginable limits of time. If we can remember (or imagine) life 30 years ago, then we can imagine life in 30 years’ time. In the sonic time of social sound, how will we need to listen in order to deepen our understanding of each other, while holding a space for the unknowable?​ ​The first Taipei workshop will open out from a series of speculative prompts extending from the experience of the Tainan workshop, and conversations with Taipei partners. Through guided activities and invited provocations, participants will experiment with strategies for hearing absent objects and (re)sounding future echoes.

Presented by Clare Cooper
Participants:Acid House, Betty Apple, Lacking Sound Festival, Nathan Gray, Sondes, Fujui Wang and his master students.

地點:SonoLab​ 藝響空間​​,台北 (台北市大同區興城街10巷16號4樓​)
澳洲最重量級聲音組織Liquid Architecture液態建築來台舉辦多場聆聽講座/工作坊/表演/交流​,​其中一場在​SonoLab​興城藝響空間舉行。Sondes在開場進行一場小聆聽示範表演。
在「投射未來」的實踐中,記憶與期待共行。當我們參與政治、社會、工業、私人或公共領域的變革力量時,我們所面臨的挑戰是將我們的記憶與經驗由想像而政治化。這是我們從(預期的)未來情景到現今中的反推過程,以決定如何衡量是否正走向這個特定的未來。對於我們許多人來說,30年是一個可充分想像的時間線軸。如果我們可以記憶(或想像)30年前的生活,我們亦能想像未來的30年。在大眾聲音的聲波中,我們需要如何聆聽來深化對於彼此的認識,卻同時保有未知的空間?​在​上一場​臺南舉辦的工作坊從「投射未來」概念的語彙展開,由藝術家Clare Cooper本人在聽說駐地期間訪談的在地社群開始發想。用現在(2017​年​)作為投射軸心,參與者用時空反轉倒置的假想,投射出多樣合理的未來。本工作坊延續在台南『聽說』空間的工作坊​內容​,將與台北的參與者共構對談,想像過去與未來的30年(1987解嚴後 至 2047香港失去自治時),以及2017的現在,藝術於社會中可能的聆聽與價值。

​主持​藝術家:Clare Cooper​
參與者:酸屋,鄭宜蘋,失聲祭,Nathan Gray, Sondes, 王福瑞與他的碩士班學生


Photographer:Vivy Hsieh

➤Sondes presented a small demo performance in the beginning of the workshop

Photographer:Vivy Hsieh

➤About SonoLab 藝響空間​​,台北
SonoLab is a studio space running by 3 groups. also is a one of a project of Art Reuse of Vacant Spaces by Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government.

WHYIXD 何理互動設計
​Fluid Noise 噪流
Soundwatch Studio 響相工作室


Liquid Architecture​ 2017 Tour X Taiwan ​

Social Sound House Taipei​ 大眾聲音民宅-台北

Social Sound House Tainan​ 大眾聲音民宅-台南

Liquid Architecture and White Fungus present S U B L A T E